Why Everyone Should Go To Seminary

For a long time I have been reflecting on my Seminary days and how they have impacted my life. Its interesting because as I am now in the ministry, I rarely call upon my seminary education. The reason for this is because in seminary they don't have classes called "How to Deal With People Who Think Your a Jerk 101" or "Nobody Likes Your Music, Now What 303." This is disappointing. However, yesterday it all came together and it was made clear to me why I went to seminary...

I now know where all of the funny stuff is in the Bible!

That's it...That's what seminary is for. My brother-in-law Jared is now in seminary and soon enough he will unlock the secrets of Bible humor. For instance, there are a few words in the Bible that may not be looked upon as words to be used for polite conversation (see Numbers 22 and the pretty much all of Deuteronomy). And, every time a Youth Pastor decides to dress up like a girl, you can get him with the passages in Deuteronomy that says he will burn for cross-dressing (especially if he's a Baptist).
Try reading some of the guidelines for using the restroom when in the camp as a transition from one worship song to another. That will shock some people.
Anyway, now I know that I didn't waste two years of my life at Paige Patterson Seminary...I mean Southwestern Seminary, and that makes me happy enough to dance around in my underpants like good ole' David.


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What I'm Reading

I didn't actually stop reading but I forgot to let you guys know. My parents got on to me about it so here it is. I'm currently reading two books. The first is called "God's Blog" by Lanny Donvan. This is a look into what God might right if he had is own blog. He probably wouldn't get all busy and forget about posting stuff like I do. The other book is called "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell. He sounds British but is probably from Des Moines or something. This book basically outlines the idea that every big fad, disease, and trend are started at one critical time by a small group of people. This is the tipping point. I thought it really would apply to how we can reach people with the message of Christ and I am learning some really cool stuff. For example, me blogging about "The Tipping Point" will not be "The Tipping Point's" tipping point. Got it? Good.



Baby Got Book (WhiteboyDJ.com)

I hope this doesn't offend anyone but I really thought it was funny.



You Don't Know What You've Got 'til You Lose It

What a long week. I can't believe how much such a small thing can affect my life. You know how they say that you don't know what have until you lose it. Well, I didn't know what I had. I've spent my entire life with this thing and I took it for granted. It was always there waiting for me to look up at it in wonder, but to me it just faded into the background of my life. How selfish and shortsighted of me to forget such an important part of my life. I could have done more, I could have said something...At least goodbye, but did I? Of course not. I just sat there while they took it away from me, unknowingly, I had to read about it in the paper. How will I go on? How will I continue to live knowing that it is no more. Now, its just as insignificant as any other piece of dust. No one asked me what I wanted. No one asked me how I felt about it. They just took it away. One day, it will be back. They will realized the error of their ways, the huge mistake that they have made.

I guess I'll just go on living my life. Soon I'll probably forget about it like I had so many times before when it was right there in front of me like a light shining in my face. It will probably be alright. Most people from here on out will be fine without it. My daughter will grow up not even knowing it existed. Unless...Unless I spread the word...Unless I tell her and everyone else about it. Then it can never go away. Then it will never die no matter how much they want it to. They might make the rules but they don't rule me. I'll show them...

That Pluto is a planet!


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Heart For Worship

Over the past few weeks I have really been thinking about my approach to worship. I've actually been working to decrease my role on Sunday mornings. The temptation for any worship pastor is to make it about themselves. This is generally done subconsciously...If not said worship pastor should probably find a new job...but its easy to fall into this trap. I too was beginning to fall into the trap of making it the TJ show. So I am now making a concerted effort to make it about God and to deflect some of the attention away from myself.
While considering ways to do this I came across a concept that, while it may not be new to you, its new to me. There is a difference between having a heart to worship and a heart for worship. A heart to worship, in my opinion, is the category into which most people fall. If you enjoy singing, listening to worship music, spending intimate time with Christ, and giving Him the glory (all good things and things we should do), you have a heart to worship. I fall into this category and hopefully most Christ followers do as well. However, in order to lead people in worship, whether as a pastor, worship leader, or any other position, one must have a heart for worship.
In my opinion, having a heart for worship means that you have a passion to see God's people worship Him. A heart for worship is a rare thing but I believe it is something we have to strive for. It is wanting other people to have that personal, intimate experience with Christ that you have. I believe this is what God wants for us...to know Christ in such a way that we cannot stand for others not to know Him as well. I love God and I love to worship Him. Now it is my hearts desire to see those around me love God and love to worship Him.



Who's Your Daddy?

Well, its time once again to break out the Auburn flag and fly it proudly at my front door. Unfortunately no one around here really cares except maybe the Va Tech fan that lives down the street...boy would I like to trash talk him about the 2003 Sugar Bowl. We are really excited because our friends Ryan and Emily are getting ESPN Gameplan and said we could come watch Auburn games anytime. I'm not sure that they realize the consequences of such and offer. Anyway, I saw this picture and thought it was perfect for some trash talk. Unfortunately, most Alabama fans don't know how to use computers or read even, so it might go unnoticed. Anyway, War Eagle!



What a Weekend

Its been a while since the last post but with Bay Hills moving to a new facility I've hardly had time to eat or sleep, much less write witty, inspiring posts on my blog...At least that's how I like to think things work.

This weekend was crazy. It started off really well. Because the school we meet in decided to wax the floors on Friday, we were not able to get in to do any work. So instead of what has become my customary "Friday night till eleven work day," Beth, Karoline and I were able to spend some quality time together at one of our favorite places. That was great because they had been out of town for nearly three weeks and had just got in that morning.

So Saturday morning came early and I got to the school at about seven after making a Starbucks run only to find that the container in which we were storing everything had been broken into. They took our projectors, sound board, sub-woofers, lightboard, and our velour drapes (I assume to cover up their loot). This really kind of threw a kink in things. After a lot of phone calls and some really good people helping out we were able to get the stuff we needed to do church the way we had planned.

Sunday was another early day. I arrived at the church at seven to put in the finishing touches and prepare for the morning. You wouldn't believe it. We had parking issues in our new facility that should have been able to hold the cars of our congregation. We were adding more chairs in both services and are now having to think about buying more. The band sounded better than ever before. The singers were great. The energy in the congregation was great. It was probably the best worship service I have ever been involved in.

God was there and we all knew it.

It was great seeing how God works, in spite of the circumstances, through his people. We could have easily said "let's just go down the street to the old building and wait until we can replace our equipment," but we know that Satan would be patting himself on the back if we did that. We are beginning to reach our community in new ways and at a much faster rate. We realize that we have invited him to oppose us in new ways now but we know that He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world!

Keep praying for Bay Hills! This is not a God friendly area and its not an easy place to take a stand for Christ, but He is our strength and His purposes will be accomplished.


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Great Newsweek Article

I know what all of my super-conservative friends are thinking right now..."newsweek is a liberal sounding post, I'm not reading that"...what has Bill O'Reily done to you? Anyway, there is a great article about Billy Graham, in fact it is the cover story. They don't even marginalize his Religious beliefs. It's really cool. Anyway, check it out.



New Book

Okay, so I forgot to tell you but the books I read last month were "The Long Walk" by Slavomir Rawicz and "I Am Not But I Know I Am" by Louie Giglio. "The Long Walk" was a random pick. I literally went through Barnes and Noble and picked a random book. It, however, turned out to be really cool. Its about a Polish man who escapes from a Soviet prison in northeastern Siberia with a few other inmates and walks to freedom in India...that's right India. It is a true story. Check it out.

"I Am Not but I Know I Am" is by one of my favorite author/speaker/Auburn fans, Louie Giglio. You might recognize some of his work like the song and book "The Air I Breathe." not to mention the song "We Fall Down" and the college movement "Passion" that produced such personalities as Chris Tomlin, David Crowder, and Matt Redman to name a few. Anyway, this book is about how insignificant we are and how great God is...sounds depressing, but the cool part is that God still takes time out to love us and to know us. This book is about understanding that this life is not about you, its about God and what He can do through you. Happy reading.



BayHills.net is up! The moment all four of you have been waiting for. Check it out even if you don't live in the Bay Area which by the way won't back down. Its pretty cool.
Haven't you been waiting for a place to hear David Fasold streaming every week, not to mention my CD that you still haven't told your friends and family about. But really it is cool. Also, you can subscribe to the E-Newsletter. Anyway, I'm excited about it because I've been working on it for months. But I can't take credit it was all about Bill Jones at UDFD Design. He's really good. You should all hire him.


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Wow, working is hard

Maybe I'm not used to real work but I really got worn out this past week. We are all busting our humps (pardon my French) trying to get the big Bay Hills move done these next few weeks. I learned how to pull wire, and do some other pretty cool stuff though. I think that when I look back on this whole experience though I won't remember the 13 hour days or the 7 day weeks...I know what you're thinking: "aren't all weeks 7 days?"...Not in my world weeks begin on Tuesday and end on Sunday, Monday is something other than a day of the week usually. Anyway, what I'll remember is the people God put me alongside to work with. I really have enjoyed getting to know guys like Sal Castro, Larry Willitzer, Dave Lewis (who is insane), and getting a little closer to guys I already kinda knew before this whole deal. Now, to anyone outside of the greater El Sobrante area...Basically if you can't hear me shouting right now...You have no idea who I am talking about. However, I urge you that when you are doing stuff you don't like or maybe you even hate it, look around for why God has you there. Its really cool.

Hey by the way, check out the new bayhills.net, its really cool.


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My Wonderful Wife

Have you heard about her? She is wonderful and she never ever gets mad at me. Oh wait, she's mad because I didn't write enough about her. Crap!


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I Might Be Wrong

This past week in Relevant magazine, one of my favorites, I read a very clever editorial. The point that the guy was trying to make was basically that maybe, just maybe, my generation has a problem with thinking we're always right. No way I thought, I don't think I'm always right, this guys an idiot. But then I thought about it for a while. Could it be? Do I constantly look at what other people are doing and judge them, those poor saps. If only they new how I did it, how I lived, my viewpoints, and my opinions. Surely they would realize the errors of their way.

Honestly, I spend a lot of time criticizing, being cynical, and judging people according to how I think things should be. It can be a little bit tiring always knowing what's best and wondering why everyone else doesn't.

Why is it that we think that our way, our lifestyle, and our opinions are always right? Its because we don't want to admit that maybe...just maybe we're wrong. Maybe the way we live, the way we do things, or our opinions are not absolute truth. There are many ways to do things, ways to live, and ideas to believe in. Although I know that God's word is absolute, I also know that man tends to twist the truth to fit their viewpoint. So next time you decide to drink that hater-ade (that's a word from high school) stop and take the time to consider the merits, maybe what works for you doesn't work for someone else. Maybe what works in your community, doesn't work in another community. Maybe you're wrong.



My Two Books for June

I am reading two books this month. First of all, I am the last person on earth to read "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller. I think this is one of the smartest Christian books I have ever read and I think that even non-Christians might enjoy it. It basically makes you rethink the whole Christian sub-culture. Check it out.

I'm also reading "Night" by Elie Wiesel. This is not a feel good book. It is about the author's experience in Aushwitz during the Holocaust. It allows you to see that this stuff was real and that in any way we can we must prevent anything that even could become what the Holocaust was from ever happening again. This book will impact you more than most you will read.

I think that both of these books have changed the way I look at God and the world for the better. I hope you will take the time to read them both.



New Years Resolution

Yes, I realize that we're half way through the year 2006 but I am still making New Year's resolutions.

For the 6 people who read my blog, most of whom are related to me, I am sorry for not writing anything new in a while. However, I resolve to write at least one blog a week from here on out. Since my off day is Monday, expect them on Tuesday.

I am also resolving to read one Christian book a month and one secular book a month. You probably don't care but I'll let you know what I am reading and perhaps you'll take a look at them and tell me what you think. Have a great week.



A Few Quick Words

I was thinking about some things that have been going on in my life and around me in the past few months and I thought that some of the insights God has been teaching me would be an encouragement to the few people who read this little blog.

In the small group I am leading we are going through the "Experiencing God" study. This has been really eye opening even for someone who is doing it for the second time. In the study, they talk a lot about Abraham. He is a great example of someone who rearranged his life to join the work God was doing in and around him.

One of the points the authors make about Abraham has really stuck with me more than any other, perhaps because of how it applies in a few situations I am very familiar with. The point they make is that even though God promised Abraham a son, it was many excruciating years before the promise came to fruition. Why is this? Why does God tell us what he is going to do, and then make us wait for it?

Abraham was pretty messed up, he pimped his wife off on two different occasions, had sex with his daughters, had a son by his wife's maid, not to mention all that went on with his protege' Lot. Now I'm not saying that you are that bad, I'm also not saying you're not. To God, sin is sin, there is no degree, no points for greater sin like on your driver's license, its just sin. What I am saying is Abraham needed some work. He was let's say...a little rough around the edges. If he was going to be the "father of many nations," he needed to be molded into a great man. It took a lot of work by God to create Abraham out of Abram.

We are the same way. God has plans for us, great plans! He has made promises and He will keep them. But don't expect that you can just do these great things He has planned for you as you are. No way buddy. You have to adjust your life to Him. It goes beyond excepting Christ, it goes beyond taking the first step toward change. You have to be the man or woman He wants you to be in order to accomplish these goals. Once you reach that level of relationship with God, He will have something else for you and you will have to adjust again. He is refining us all. There is too much sin in our lives for us to ever reach "totally refined" that's where the sacrifice of Christ comes in.

So, don't worry if what God has promised you isn't happening. He is working in your life to make you better at whatever He has planned for you. Whether you are to be a parent, songwriter, evangelist, missionary, successful businessman, or whatever He has promised you. "The Lord is faithful and He will do it." Now we just have to trust that He does what He says.


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Buy My CD

Hey everyone. Just wanted to let you know that if you don't have my CD it is now available online at http://cdbaby.com/cd/tjgoff. So be sure to go on and buy it. It will also be available digitally on itunes and other digital downloading services very soon. This is a pretty cool thing that's happening so if you have any friends or family who haven't been able to purchase the CD, be sure to let them know.



Welcome Back

Wow, it seems like its been a while since I have written anything in here. I have to admit, blogging has not been the first thing on my mind the past two months. With my daughter Karoline's birth, I have been spending all of extra time I've had with her and Beth. It has been such a great two months. I love being a dad. Anyway, I was right a few months ago. Being parents, while a big responsibility, has not been the end of our lives. This might be because Karoline is extremely durable. Beth has been pretty tired, but she's been pretty tired ever since we've been married...doesn't say much about me huh? Babies poop is a lot better than doggie poop and she's been a pretty good sleeper. I think Beth and I should stop with this one because the chances of getting another angel like Karoline, much like the chances of getting another Whisper (our perfect dog), is slim to none. Well, I hope you've enjoyed the pictures the last few weeks. I'll start writing a little more now that things have settled down.


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Politics Shmolitics

Why, why, why do we have to be involved in politics. My mom will probably be really disappointed in this blog but hey, its how I feel.

I was recently watching "The O'Reilly Factor" and they had the organizer of a large Christian youth gathering on and a woman who had opposed the group in San Francisco. Just last weekend the kids from our church attended the very gathering they were discussing. Those who opposed it had protested, yelling fascist, gay rights, and what not at the over 30,000 students gathered. Apparently a lot of left wingers are starting to protest anything Christian because they say Christians impede upon others right (gays, pro choice, etc.). Anyway, the debate was quite interesting, but I was disappointed.

The organizer of the event kept saying that the culture is throwing all kind of sin in the faces of kids and his gathering is to encourage Christ followers to let their voice be heard. That's great, but I ask you, what should those voices be saying? He believes that they should be saying no to the secular progressive movement, no to gay marriage, no to abortion. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't support any of that, but isn't there something more important they should be saying.

How about sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If he would have said on the show, "we aren't a political organization, we want people to know the grace, power, and love of Jesus Christ," what could the girl have said back. Nothing... My point is, we as Christians continue to give people reasons to hate us and not give them reasons to love Christ. It seems to me that being a Christian is more about politics than it is about following Christ.

"You are the light of the world, a city on a hill cannot be hidden. Shine your light upon man that they might see your works and praise your Father in Heaven."

What that verse doesn't say is "convert them to your politics so they can be saved."

All I'm trying to say is that the Bible tells us (to quote Pastor Scoggins @ FBC Opelika) "its gonna get a lot worse before it gets any better." We are not going to change this country into a Christian Theocracy. However, we can change lives by telling people about Jesus Christ. Besides, Jesus had long hair, wore sandals, and wasn't a homeowner. Sound like any Republican you've ever met?



Walking A Little Taller

Believe it or not, a couple at my church asked me when I was going to write a blog about having a new daughter. I didn't really think that anyone outside of my immediate family read this silly little thing. Anyway...its long overdue. I have been a father now for a little over two weeks and its probably been the best two weeks of my life. Beth and I have a healthy and adorable little girl named Karoline Belle and we could not be happier.

The only problem is that people keep coming up to me saying, "wow, you look tired." Don't say that to anyone! No matter how tired they look. The words "you look" should be followed only by the words "nice, buff, handsome, hot, and hungry." Never by a negative adverb. Someone told me I looked tired the other day and I had had 10 hours of semi-uninterrupted sleep the night before. What do you want from me?

Look, here's the deal. I haven't brushed my hair in about eight years and I haven't been out in the sun for about three years. I probably always look tired. I'm sorry that I offended you.

No matter what the haters say, I don't care. If I look tired then that's my new look. I probably also look a little bit taller as well, and that's because I am a proud new father.



Here Goes Nothin'

Its funny really how often we just throw ourselves into something that we really have no idea how to do. The other day I was telling a friend about how I gained a starting spot on my highs school soccer team. Basically what happened was that the coach asked if anyone could throw the ball in from the sideline to the far post (that's the other side of the goal to all of you football loving, hot dog eating, soccer haters out there. Don't get me wrong I love football and hot dogs too, but I also love soccer. Anyway, the coach (who later went insane) noticed that the other team was leaving the man at the far post. If we could throw it in there on a throw in, that would be an easy goal. Well, being the over confident person I am I said, "I can do it." So the coach put me in the game and guess what? I could do it. We scored, I started the rest of the games until the coach went insane and benched me. We were promptly eliminated from the playoffs upon my benching.

Well, let me tell you, this baby thing is starting to feel like that half-time meeting we had on the soccer field. "Hey, I noticed there is a baby coming into the world, we need someone to be its father."

"I can do it."

I'm hoping that it turns out the same, except for the coach going crazy and benching me part. I keep telling myself that God has created me to be little baby Karoline's father and that he would not give me anything that I cannot handle. It might seem like I can't handle it but I can.

So many other things are like this too. We have to be willing to say, "I can do it" even if we don't know what it is. My sister and brother-in-law recently did this when God asked them to get into missions. (I hope they already told everyone important.) They don't know where or how, but they know that they can do it. What about you? What is God asking you to do? Don't just sit there like the rest of my soccer teammates did and stay on the bench the rest of the season. Say yes, say you can do it. Just like the scary cajun guy played by Rob Schneider said in the water boy and later by my friend Preston Bedsole every minute until you wanted to punch him. "You can do it."



Not-so-Jolly Ole’ TJ

The other day, Beth and I were shopping at our local Target for what will only be identified as “clothing” for my wife. In the nearby shoe-section I heard it. What I have longed for so long. It was beautiful and frustrating all at the same time. “What was it?” you ask. Only the thing I would like to have most in the world…

An English accent.

So I stood there in the store looking at “clothes” and wishing I could have that one thing that had eluded me all my life. Suddenly I began to murmur unpleasantries under my breath about the lady I had heard speaking to her child. Then all of the sudden her husband walked up and began speaking in that angelic accent. What are the chances, three people standing in a Target and one of them doesn’t have an English accent, and that one is me.

You must understand, I only missed it by two generations. In fact, my dad lived in England when he was a boy and either my grandmother really is English, as she claims, or she does a heck of a job of faking it. Hmm…faking it…could I...maybe…would anyone notice?

Here’s the problem, as a worship leader, I have to listen to the likes of Matt Redman, Vicky Beeching not to mention Delirious and Hillsong with the even cooler cousin of English accent, Australian Accent. Its torture. These guys and girls (chaps and lasses) don’t even have to bee that great of singers because they have English accents. They hypnotize the audiences with their voices.

What does my accent get me? Nothing. Being from South Alabama means nothing, absolutely nothing. All I get is the occasional; you’re from Texas aren’t you. NO, I’M NOT FROM TEXAS!! I want someone to mistake me for Irish or Scottish, mess up my country and stop trying to guess which backward, bottom five in education, grit eating state I am from. No offense to the South.

The point of this little rant…well there really isn’t one. There’s nothing I can do about it. There’s no magic pill or operation I can undergo, nothing I can buy. I’ve either got to fake it or suck it up. I don’t have an English accent and barring moving across the pond, I doubt I ever will. I just wish my Grandma would tell me how she’s faked it for so long.



TJ Goff is the Worship Pastor at Bay Hills Community Church in El Sobrante, California. Posted by Picasa



Baby Jitters

Well, as most of you who read this blog (and that's not many) know, my wife Beth and I are about to have our first baby. She will be named Karoline Belle, and I am very excited about it. I find it very funny though that everyone around me takes so much pleasure in the fact that our lives are about to change forever. They ask me, "how's it goin?" God forbid I mention anything about being a little tired or about my lack of sleep, because then they get this sick grin across their face, look me up and down and then say, "o, just you wait until the baby comes." Well to all of those people out there, I've got something to tell you.
I may be an idiot, but here's a list of reasons why I'm not worried about what it will be like when the baby comes.
1. I don't get enough sleep as it is- I go to bed late every night. My wife wakes up to go to the bathroom, to get me to take the dog out, because its too hot or too cold, and so on. I wake up too early in the morning for the time I go to bed. I have never gotten enough sleep and I LIKE IT!
2. I have a dog who has thunderstorm anxiety. That may not sound like a lot, but in Texas, if it rains, it storms. Sure I've gotten a little soft since I moved out to NorCal but I remember what it was like sleeping on the chair in my office and slamming Whisper's cage every time he started to act the fool.
3. If you can do it, I know I can do it. No more needs to be said on this subject.
4. I pick up my dogs poo with a very thin plastic grocery bag.
5. There is no way a baby with no training can be as demanding as Beth. I mean that in the nicest way, I love my wife and wouldn't change her one iota, but it took some serious work to create such a monst...lovely and beautiful wife. I'll be more worried about Karoline after she hangs out with her mom for a few years.
6. Girls can't shoot pee across the room or up at me.
7. I don't get worried about anything. (But I am taken by surprise quite often.)

Babies are loud, helpless, messy, smelly, and demanding. Welcome to the Goff family.

I would like to end this post with the disclaimer that I am probably dead wrong about everything I just wrote.




Once again I find myself here in Starbucks enjoying a delicious cup of coffee (venti caramel machiatto with whip). I have noticed that on my cup there is a warning. Only, its different from any warning I have ever seen. It says “Careful, the beverage you’re about to enjoy is extremely hot.” This is in no doubt on the cup because of the lady who sued McDonalds a few years ago because her coffee burned her. But I really want you to notice the spin in this warning. The language is very flowery. It almost makes me want burn myself with this hot coffee. It makes it sound like if you get burned, maybe scarred for life, its gonna be the best pain you have ever felt, because the coffee is awesome.

This whole coffee cup situation go me thinking about spin. I think that this is how the world disguises sin. Like the coffee, we know that things are going to hurt in the long run but the idea of the enjoyment we will get out of it supercedes any idea of a consequence. While the Bible lays it out for us “the wages of sin is death,” the world gives us a Starbuucks warning, “this sin you are about to have the time of your life committing is gonna cause some problems down the road, but don’t worry about that now. The sin is awesome.”

I live in the Bay Area, and this is the attitude. Here we don’t like to focus on the consequences. People out here like to look at short-term gains and forget about the long-term pain. “Warning promiscuous sex is totally awesome but might cause a few problems later.” Flower it up! Like the old WWII era hit song said, “accentuate the positive, and eliminate the negative.” If we by into this, we will became a lost and hopeless people. God calls us to focus on the long term. To sacrifice in the immediate future in order to receive our rewards in eternity. I believe that this is the core problem of Christianity today. It’s all about now. What are the immediate benefits of becoming a Christian, what can the church give me today? What do I get out of the music? How is the preacher feeding me? What can a small group or Sunday School class do for me?

We need a perspective change. The Bible is constantly reminding us that we are in a marathon, not a sprint; this life is like the first step. While it is important that we have a good first step, not a lot of marathoners blame their first step for losing a race. We have to have an eternal perspective. We have to look at what our sin is going to do to ourselves and to those we love in the long run. The immediate result will not last or be remembered if the ultimate result is disastrous.

So here’s a warning for life. "Careful, the delicious sin you are about to enjoy will burn you, scar you for life, taint every good thing you do, and come back to haunt you in ways you could never imagine. Trust me, I've seen it and I've experienced it." O I don't think that will fit on a cup.

