For a long time I have been reflecting on my Seminary days and how they have impacted my life. Its interesting because as I am now in the ministry, I rarely call upon my seminary education. The reason for this is because in seminary they don't have classes called "How to Deal With People Who Think Your a Jerk 101" or "Nobody Likes Your Music, Now What 303." This is disappointing. However, yesterday it all came together and it was made clear to me why I went to seminary...
I now know where all of the funny stuff is in the Bible!
That's it...That's what seminary is for. My brother-in-law Jared is now in seminary and soon enough he will unlock the secrets of Bible humor. For instance, there are a few words in the Bible that may not be looked upon as words to be used for polite conversation (see Numbers 22 and the pretty much all of Deuteronomy). And, every time a Youth Pastor decides to dress up like a girl, you can get him with the passages in Deuteronomy that says he will burn for cross-dressing (especially if he's a Baptist).
Try reading some of the guidelines for using the restroom when in the camp as a transition from one worship song to another. That will shock some people.
Anyway, now I know that I didn't waste two years of my life at Paige Patterson Seminary...I mean Southwestern Seminary, and that makes me happy enough to dance around in my underpants like good ole' David.