This Could Be The Best 10 Minutes of Your Day

So I was reading ESPN The Magazine and in the Bill Simmons column "The Sports Guy" wrote about his favorite YouTube Clip. This clip has everything including Mr. Kotter, Wonder Woman, two academy award winning directors celebrating a little too much and one Robert Conrad who takes himself a little too seriously. Also, this is the first real slow instant replay was utilized. Check it out, but make sure you have enough time to watch the whole thing.

Nice. Go Kotter, go!



5 Things I've Learned the 1st Week in South Carolina

So its been a little over a week here and these are some of the things I've learned while in South Carolina.

#1: Money isn't going to fall from the sky. Beth keeps reminding me of this and we are having to do a few things because of this fact. That includes the ever-uncomfortable calling and asking people to support us. As uncomfortable as it is, we know that God has ordained this ministry and that He wants us to extend the opportunity to others to join in what He is doing.

#2: Job hunting is weird for a pastor trying to get a secular job. My resume is filled with ministry jobs with the occasional odd job (Tire Technician, newspaper delivery guy, stamp maker, etc.). I think I know how ministry translates to the secular world but I'm not sure the employers will.

#3: Staying home all day throws me off. I've had a hard time with the whole working at home thing. Admittedly and per Trey's orders I have spent most of my time on getting my family settled but when I have worked, its been difficult to get into a routine what with the kids and the TV and the absence of Dan Patrick.

#4: I am within driving distance of a lot of great ministries. This past weekend we drove down to Charleston to drop off Beth's mom at the airport and we went to Seacoast Church. It was really great. We got a chance to speak with the pastor Greg Surratt and the Experiences Pastor Shawn Wood. I can't wait to visit some of the other great ministries and probably visit Seacoast again.

#5: I really love having different seasons. The Bay Area is one of the most beautiful places in the world but there aren't seasons. Its either cool or super hot. Here in Myrtle Beach we have experienced some Fall (its been cold) and are looking forward to Winter, Spring, and Summer. Still won't get snow here except on the rare occasion, but seasonal change is nice.

I'm sure this is not the end of what I've learned but I need to go get my kid up from his nap so the list stops at five. I'm looking forward to what God is going to do here. Keep praying for our family.


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What's Going On

Well its been a while since my last post. Its been a crazy few weeks with packing driving across the country and moving into our new house in Myrtle Beach. Things are finally starting to settle down a bit so I thought I'd take a little time to blog.

What has been amazing is seeing God already begin to work and provide for Beth and I as we have been here. Continue to pray for that because we will need it. I am very excited about what God is doing at Wellspring as well. I really feel like God is going to bless everything we do if we continue to follow his call. Its gonna be unbelievable.

Hopefully next week I can post something smart and thought provoking but recently all of the paint fumes have made me stupid.

I do have a question that I would love for you guys to answer. Yesterday at the DMV the lady taking pictures thought Beth looked like Mariah Carey. She did, however guess that Beth used to teach. I asked her what I looked like and she said "I see a lab coat...a pharmacist." I'm not sure how to take this but I'm wondering what you think. Looking at me, what do you think my job is?

I'm looking forward to your answers.


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