The Future

If only there were some way to make money off of this I think it might catch on...Probably not.



What I Don't Like About Apple

Its not often that you will hear a criticism from me about Apple. Today you will. Normally I will buy anything that has the Apple symbol on it. Seriously, slap the Apple on an old toilet and I will buy it or really, really want it. However, today I had another run in with the thing I dislike most about Apple.

When attempting to hook my brand new MacBook Pro into my TV I noticed that Apple has changed the type of connection that sends video out. OK, so new technology comes along every once in a while and Apple wants to stay on the cutting edge. The problem is, I have had 4 Macs (in 4 years) and all four of them have had different video outs.

You see, the problem with the guys and girls over at Apple is that they are deviously clever. In an attempt to maximize profits, they always throw in little variations to cause you to spend a little bit more money. My cables are a prime example. I've probably spent an extra $100 or so dollars on adapters in the last 4 years.

They do this with more costly things as well. For example, two months after I bought my MacBook, they released iLife '09. The brand new MacBooks were fitted with iLife '08 even though they were not available until November of '08. A couple of months after I got my first iPod, they released the iPod Video, then the 80G iPod Video. AHHH. Needless to say I got the 80G iPod video...then came the iPhone.

To be honest, this is just good business. If a company just gave you all of its good stuff at once you would have no need to go back to the website or store to see the new "cool thing." However, it is frustrating for the consumer, especially the ones named TJ.

All this being said, my Mac is still lighter, faster, more stable, and more versatile than you PC.


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In the future, when you look up the word "exposure" I believe you will find a picture of Pastor Ed Young of Fellowship Church. Over the past two and a half months he has been everywhere. I first saw his and his wife's appearance on CNN in November when an over-zealous Nancy Grace went a little far with the criticism of his "Seven Day Sex Challenge," that it would lead to people being forced to be intimate...come on Nancy. Since then I have seen both he and his wife all over the television and interweb.

Ed Young is definitely one of the most dynamic preachers and Christian leaders in America and I have really enjoyed the times I have been able attend his church and conferences. He showed the ability to laugh at himself and not be too haughty in last night's interview on "The Colbert Report." Enjoy this video.



Don't Hold Back

Everyone has a few really good ideas floating around in their brains. Whether you are a CEO of a Fortune 500 company or a garbage man, you probably have ideas that could change the way you do things at your job, revolutionize your industry, or just make things run more smoothly. They question is what do you do with those ideas? Do you save them for just the right moment to really make yourself look good or do you use them immediately?

The reason I am writing about this is that today Trey and I were talking about this issue and I think we came to a good realization that will guide Wellspring and anything else we are ever involved in. We will NEVER save good ideas for later. The idea that "I might waste my good idea" should not enter into the thinking. I believe that any good ideas I have now will pale in comparison to the next good idea I have subsequent good ideas. God is always inspiring us in new ways with new things and the fact is that if I hold on to a good idea, it probably won't be that good in when I finally use it.

Do you ever run into this kind of dilemma at your job? What do you do? I challenge you to use every good idea immediately. If you don't you aren't following God's command to do whatever it is you do "whether in word or in deed, with your whole heart as if unto the Lord." Think about it. And DON'T HOLD BACK!



Star Wars

Saw this really funny video on the Collide Blog.

Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn't seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.


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Me Time

The kids are asleep and I now have a little "me time." So here's what I do during "me time."



This is Stinkin' Funny

This is a funny deal that posted on their "Swerve" Blog. I just thought I'd pass it along and let you know that this happens ALL THE TIME. When I was at Bay Hills, we would get these kind of calls every once in a while. I think people need to get a life. Check out the link.


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New Layout

So I was pretty sick of my old blog layout so I decided to get a new one. My original goal was to design my own but there just aren't enough hours in the day right now. I think this one really does fit with me. Thanks a lot EZwpthemes. By the way, I posted the picture because if your like me, your reading from a reader and have no clue what my layout looks like.


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An Historic Day

I know a lot of people who did not vote for Barack Obama. In fact most people I know did not and would openly criticize someone who did. In my line of work, it isn't advisable that I make my political opinions public. So I won't. But, yesterday was historic. As I sat and watched the inauguration I was brought close to the point of tears...notice I said close. As a white kid who grew up in Alabama, I've seen racism up close and been guilty of standing idly by, of allowing people to tear others down based on the color of their skin. I know what its like to live in a place where people think that flying the Confederate flag is "honoring our heritage." I live in a state who's statehouse flew the flag until recently. To see a non-white man become president is amazing. I remember listening to 2Pac in high school and wondering why "we ain't ready to see a black president," after listening to a line in one of his cuts that made that statement.
We have turned a corner. Many of us have set aside the foolishness of bigotry for the much more attractive hope. We aren't home yet. Until we look past the color of peoples' skin we will not be where we need to be. I believe the greatest tragedy we face right now is the discrimination and hate directed at people of Middle Eastern descent. For some reason that's okay. Jesus calls us to be above that. To love others more than we love ourselves.
Racism is alive and well as long as we still tell the jokes and we still subscribe to the stereotypes. But we're getting a little better everyday. We can make a difference by standing up for what is right. By speaking out when anyone, and I mean anyone faces injustice. I hope even if you don't like the politics of Obama, you appreciate the significance of today.



Just ran across this video. You may have already seen it but I hadn't so I thought I'd share. This is pretty incredible insight about the importance of Christians sharing their faith by someone who has absolutely no faith. Its a bit long but watch it and let it sink in.


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Daddy and Donuts Day

Well today I got to go with Karoline to school for Daddy and Donuts Day. It was fun to hang out just us two, to meet her teachers, and to put faces with all of the friends she's been talking about. We had donuts, drank orange juice, played with blocks and talked to other dads who were there with their children.
It is a general rule that I am always the different guy in a setting like this. Generally when I get together in these types of groups I stick out. In South Carolina I expected to stick out even more. But something happened at Daddy and Donuts. There was another guy with earrings and spiky hair. But that's not it. I was trying to look semi-respectable so I wore an argyle sweater with my jeans and Chuck Taylors. The funny thing is that the other guy with earrings and spiky hair wore and argyle sweater too. He said he almost wore Chucks but decided to "try and look more respectable."
What are the chances? We stood out together with the other dads wearing suits, except for one guy who must be from Canada because he had shorts on in the 40 degree weather. Well, just thought I'd share. I'm finding that I fit in in Myrtle Beach as well or better than I did in California. It is definitely and isolated part of South Carolina. I love it.


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I Found It: Doogie Howser MD from SNL

If you didn't see this on Saturday Night Live, you missed one of the funniest things of the year. Okay its only been 13 days but its funny. NBC pulled it twice but here it is...from NBC's website.


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Trading Places, Mr. Mom, Pick Your 80's Reference

Since Beth is off to Realtor school, that has left me to be the star-at-home dad. This is a unique opportunity for me to step into her shoes and experience what she does on a daily basis (I will still be performing my other duties as Worship and Communications Pastor at Wellspring, I'll just do it at nap-time). Here's what I'm wondering though. Do I do a really good job, or just a good enough job.

Here's why I ask. When I was a kid my sister and I would rotate the chores. So one night, I would "wipe the surfaces" (that means the countertops) and the next night, she would. However, I would always do my best, no matter what, I can't help it its hard for me to mail something in, I'm a perfectionist. My sister on the other hand had no problem mailing it in. In fact, when she saw an opportunity to mail it in she took it. This was her sinister thought process. If she did a bad job but I did my normal good job, our parents would stop asking her to do things and start asking me. worked. "Wiping the surfaces" became my job along with many other things that I apparently had a talent for. My sister played me like Pac Man in a Pizza Hut.

So, you see my dilemma. If I do a really good job taking care of the kids this week, Beth may start to get ideas (especially if she talks to my sister). She might get too comfortable leaving the kids with me and decide to start going out with her friends more often. This would really put a cramp in my already busy social calendar (maybe its not so busy). I'm not sure I'm ready to take on this new responsibility of being a stay-at-home dad. Although, since I just blogged about it, my thought process is totally transparent. Darn this need to connect with others through social media.


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This is Great

I love the honesty at Newspring Church. This is a promo video for Newspring Church in Anederson, Greenville, and Florence, South Carolina. These guys are doing a lot of great things, have a great pastor, Perry Noble and are really reaching a lot of people. Check out this video, Pretty hillarious.

Super Bowl Promo 2009 from NewSpring Media on Vimeo.



Moving Right Along At Wellspring

At a time in our church's' life when pretty much everything is a big deal, we had a big deal yesterday. We sent our Wellsprings first enewsletter. I was really excited to send it out and hope you enjoyed it. If you didn't get it check it out here. If you want to subscribe, click on the subscribe button at the bottom. Let us know what you think.



What if Every Christian Leader Did This

Today, Pastor Steven Furtick posted a video on his blog. But as you are watching this, my question to you is, what if every Christian leader did this? What if we gave everyone who worked for us 15 minutes a day to spend with God? Not just at churches but if you are the boss, what if you gave people 15 minutes a day to do a quiet time. Now, of course, everyone wouldn't participate because everyone at your office is not a believer, and for them, FREE TIME! They can track their fantasy teams or update their Facebook Status. But if you are a Christian and you're the boss (DAD!) I challenge you to do this. What will this tell people about what you believe and about how you care for their spiritual well-being. Let me know if you plan to do this or why you don't plan to do this. I hope we will do it at Wellspring, when we actually start working in an office, and working full time.

