Get Ready Myrtle Beach

I am really excited about this weekend. It is going to be one to remember for sure. Two weeks ago Pastor Trey challenged everyone at Wellspring to invite at least one friend for this week's launch team gathering. From what we have heard, I hope they bring chairs with them because we will not be able to fit them all. We have been praying and believing like mad that God is going to change lives this weekend. After seeing 100 people make decisions on the last night of the C3 Conference, I am ready to see a movement like that again and soon. We are believing that God will do exactly that here. So, Get ready Myrtle Beach because God is moving in the hearts of His people and its going to spill out into the streets.

So if you are in the area this weekend, you should definitely stop by. If you are already a Wellspringer, don't forget to bring a friend. If not, bring a friend anyway and join in on what God is doing here in Myrtle Beach. I will see you there, I'm the one with the guitar.

For location and directions CLICK HERE.



I'm Back and Dumber Than Ever!

Well, its been a while. I need to figure out how many posts have started out with that sentiment. I tend to go through times of feast and famine with my blogging. I believe its because my dad told me to put something "deep" on my blog and I don't have a ton of "deep" stuff to say. Also, I've been out of town the last two weeks in Louisiana and Texas. I had a great time in both places experiencing God work in peoples' lives. I thought I'd share a little bit of what went on last week at the C3 conference.

Trey, Danielle and I headed to the Dallas/Fort Worth area to learn from those who have gone before us at the C3 Conference at Fellowship Church. If you don't know Fellowship I'll remind you..."7 Day Sex Challenge." We had a great time hanging out with old friends and making some new connections as well.

The week didn't start off so well though. For the last month or so I have been working on the Wellspring Prospectus. Basically this is a pamphlet we will be handing out to individuals and other churches for them to partner with us. I spent many late nights and review sessions working on the prospectus, getting it printed, reviewing it, etc. So about an hour and a half into the drive to the airport (we flew from Columbia) Trey turned to me and said jokingly, "did you remember the prospectus?" My heart dropped, I broke into a cold sweat and then proceeded to explain to Trey that "no, I'm not joking." So then I called Beth and had to have her overnight them. I still feel like an idiot a week later. So, the moral of the story, "DON'T FORGET THE PROSPECTUS, DUMMY!"



Cool Puppets

Well, I normally don't get on board with puppets but if they look like this I'm down.

