Wellspring Launch is Coming

Good morning everyone. We are only a couple of months away from launching Wellspring Church here in Myrtle Beach. We want to let you know that you can be a part of what God is doing here. We have seen 19 people make decisions to follow Christ since January with a launch team of about 25 and meeting mostly in homes. Imagine what God will do when we open our doors to the public! Here's a video we showed our launch team yesterday and want to share with you as well. Pray about what God wants you to do as we all work to make Him known on the Grand Strand.



Just Ask

One of the best things I learned while I was on staff at Bay Hills Community Church was also probably the most embarrassing things I had to endure when Dave and I would go to conferences, meetings, restaurants, etc. He would always ask for something free.

Dave is probably one of the cheapest people in the world. That's not a exaggeration. He will admit it and I think he actually takes pride in it. Don't get me wrong, when it came to being able to get what we needed to reach people in the Bay Area, he would spare no expense (at least for me), but personally he's super cheap. I was always embarrassed when he would say "can I get it for free" but always happy if he got me something for free.

I've learned in the past few years that it never hurts to ask. I've always thought that I would look like a freak if I walked up to someone and asked them for something. It took a while for me to realize that the worst thing that could have happened would be that they said "no" and you'd be in the same boat you were before. You have to forget about appearing to be cool.

The night before I got married, my groomsmen and I were staying at the Grand Hyatt in Buckhead (a nice hotel in Atlanta). When we were walking back from the ESPN Zone where we spent my "Bachelor Party" we saw P-Diddy, or whatever we're calling him now, outside of the hotel probably getting ready to go out as we got ready to sleep. My instinct was to play it cool and act like we didn't care he was there. That's what we did and guess what, I don't get to tell the story about how I met and partied with P-Diddy the night before my wedding.

You never know what will happen when you ask a question. You always know what will happen if you don't: nothing. Don't waste great opportunities to meet people, get free stuff, or have experiences you never thought possible. Just ask.



God On Tap

In case you were wondering, we had our first God On Tap meeting this past Sunday and it was great. For those of you who don't know, God on Tap is our new gathering for those with questions about God, the Church, Life, or anything else. We meet in a local bar every other Sunday evening. Basically the format is, people ask questions and Trey answers them. Sometimes there is follow up discussion, sometimes there isn't. For more info check out our God On Tap webpage.

Our biggest fear was that no one would ask any questions. Man were we wrong. We talked about science, Moses, and why Jesus is the only way. Before we knew it, time was up. Everyone seemed to enjoy the discussion and as far as I know, no one was uncomfortable. We hope that people feel like they can come to Wellspring and know that they don't have to fit a certain mold, or believe certain things to be there. We are here for those who are seeking God. We know that as long as we follow His leadership, the Holy Spirit will work in the lives of those her in Myrtle Beach. I can't wait until the next God On Tap.



I Got A Little Bored

I got a little bored today so I got Beth to shoot some video of me. Check it out.

Okay so that wasn't me but it was awesome. He really looked like me when his shirt was off though.



A Post that Everyone Should Read

Well, I'm back. If you must know I've pretty much been cutting grass for the last month or so and because of the ridiculous hours I was working (at Myrtle Beach National Golf Club) I just haven't had the "want to" to blog. But thank Jesus that short season is over. After figuring out that I wasn't able to do what I came to Myrtle Beach to do and really was only being compensated in free golf and a nominal paycheck, Beth and I (along with her mom who basically became a full-time babysitter) decided to re-prioritize. So, no more cutting grass for now.

Anyway, on to the reason I am posting today. Leadership has pretty much been on my mind for all of 2009. Not sure why but it has. This morning I read a really insightful post on Big Is The New Small Blog. Its entitled Why leaders Fail. Check it out, this is for everyone, not just churchies.

4 Reasons Leaders FAIL
Posted by Scott Williams on June 8th 2009

There are many reasons that leaders fail; however I thought I would condense the list to 4 memorable reasons in the acronym FAIL. Here are the 4 Reasons Leaders FAIL:

1. Fake- A leader who try’s to be someone they are not instead of simply being themselves has a difficult time succeeding, at some point it just catches up to them. This also applies to the leader that has a different face, different persona, different tone, different everything… when certain people are around. In other-words when the big boss comes around they put their fake-face on. Not to say a leader might not make some adjustments when company comes around; however the super-fake-face comes from insecurity of how they act normally. Remember: Don’t be fake, be yourself… “Do You! It’s A Statement… Not A Question!” Fake Leaders Fail!

To read more CLICK HERE.

