I am blessed to have known my best friend in all of the world (besides my wife) for 28 years 1 month and 30 days. My sister and I have always been close even when she was throwing crap at me or dating (and eventually marrying) my friends...she only married one friend, which looks a lot better now than when they were just dating.
Today is a big day in her life: the BIG 3-0 and I just wanted to mention how much I love her and look up to her and Jared her husband. They have both been two of the biggest influences in my life. They are two very courageous people and had a big role in my leaving the stability and family at Bay Hills to step into the unknown that is Wellspring after they left a great job to go into missions. Sarah, thanks for everything you've done for me whether dragging me along with you and your friends, or just keeping a watchful eye on me while I acted like an idiot. I love you very much.
I'm sure you could have guessed this, but I am crying and I love you too, LuLu!
Wow. Not much could make a mama happier than this. Makes up for the time we were riding down Hillcrest when you were 13 & 15 and you were fighting so bad it made me cry (a different kind of crying) b/c I thought you hated each other. I love you both.
Happy Birthday TJ's big sister Sarah!!
I only commented because reading this (and especially your mom's comment) made me realize that there is hope for my two *little darlings*.
Hope you're doing well. I miss you.
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