As many of you know, a couple of weeks ago I tried out for real life rock band to the lead singer. Well, everything went well and I am the only person (so far) that they have asked back. Part of this deal is that I would be the one choosing the songs we would cover. Eventually we would write our own stuff but would begin with covers. Now the genre of this band is straight up rock, not pop, not alternative. My problem is that I don't really listen to rock all that much. So, as Dora the Explorer would say, I need your help. Respond with some of your favorite "Radio Rock" songs, preferably from the last 3 years or so. Also, be in prayer that this band works out, they are really good and there's a decent chance this could be my only 2nd job. Wouldn't that be nice. Looking forward to hearing from you guys.
muse! They're one of the best rock bands (in my humble opinion) out there right now... they're rock right? I'll ask around for other ideas...
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