Welcome Back

Wow, it seems like its been a while since I have written anything in here. I have to admit, blogging has not been the first thing on my mind the past two months. With my daughter Karoline's birth, I have been spending all of extra time I've had with her and Beth. It has been such a great two months. I love being a dad. Anyway, I was right a few months ago. Being parents, while a big responsibility, has not been the end of our lives. This might be because Karoline is extremely durable. Beth has been pretty tired, but she's been pretty tired ever since we've been married...doesn't say much about me huh? Babies poop is a lot better than doggie poop and she's been a pretty good sleeper. I think Beth and I should stop with this one because the chances of getting another angel like Karoline, much like the chances of getting another Whisper (our perfect dog), is slim to none. Well, I hope you've enjoyed the pictures the last few weeks. I'll start writing a little more now that things have settled down.



GiGi said...

You know that's what I thought about Sarah.........and what would the world be without you?